Feeling Dressage by Ruth Sabine Schaefer, Publication date: April 2003. Foreword by Conrad Schumacher.
"In the quest to master the techniques of classical dressage, riders can forget an equally important component of successful riding - achieving a feel.......The author accentuates that dressage is applicable for all horse types and neccessary basic for every riding discipline......Feeling Dressage is an outstandingly detailed, practical and instructive guideline. It offers practical advice, explanations, and examples for the training of riders and horses to advanced levels based on the principles of classical dressage." Conrad Schumacher, renowned German trainer
"Feeling Dressage is one of the most valuable books in dressage today.The chapter on the dressage seat is fabulous......Half halts, the big American riding mystery, are analysed and described in an understandable manner..........it is a superb book for all serious students of dressage." Hilda Gurney, Olympic medalist in dressage, multiple National Dressage champion.
Feeling Dressage describes in a systematic way how to achieve the right feeling. Detailed yet easy to understand descriptions help the rider comprehend and mentally visualize his goal and the feeling certain movements should have when performed correctly. Illustrations throughout the text help further the rider's understanding of proper dressage movements and the all-important dressage seat.
Feeling Dressage is an important training tool not only for the dressage enthusiast but for all riders who understand that "gymnasticising" is an important part of any horse's training. A horse must be supple and obedient to perform well in any discipline. The book covers the basic requirements of horse and rider from early training to advanced movements.
The author: Ruth Sabine Schaefer lives and works in Frankfurt, Germany. She learned to ride in the classical way and has been an FN licensed trainer since 1984. Schaefer has worked as an instructor and trainer since1985. She has trained and competed in dressage, eventing, and jumping. In earlier years she competed successfully in the Regional Team Eventing championships , Hessen State championships, and German championships. For several years she managed a stable with a riding school and breeding program. Schaefer has experience teaching riders and horses of all breeds in a variety of disciplines. Feeling dressage is her first book.
Feeling Dressage Hardcover, 6x9, 208 pages b&w photos and illustrations of dressage movements ISBN 1-58150-093-9 List price: US $ 24.95
The publisher: Eclipse Press 1736 Alexandria Drive, Lexington, KY 40544 Order contact: http://www.eclipsepress.com
Contact Ruth Schaefer: mailto:Capricorndressur@aol.com
Copyright + Design by Ruth Schaefer, Frankfurt/Germany 2003